Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is a FAVORITE that evolved out of HATE>> The story begins with excitement over an antique Church Pew that was run down and covered in a half inch of yellowed LACQUER... Excitement that turned to LOATHING as I spent more then 20 hours sanding and resanding and resanding the bench (BROKE a Sander!) and then countless more hours as I painted 3 coats of red and sealed it...
At the end of all that work- I had two offers to buy it and as I stared angrily and MY beautiful bench.... I knew I was NEVER willing to do that much work on a bench I MAY find in the future. I refused both sales and NOW LOVE the bench because it's the ONLY SANE way I can cope.


Jessica F said...

HOLY moly!!!! I wish I knew how to do that stuff...that is flippin amazing! I love that red bench!! Oh and I really want a white desk to match the cabinets you have...LOVE!

Katie Jo said...

Wah ha ha! I have a 1950's desk in my garage right now I just finished the 1st sanding and Patchwork on..... Who knows if it will be white....?